Instructions for use Keto Black

Instructions for using Black Keto

Keto Black is a drug that allows you to quickly put the body into a state of ketosis, when the body uses fatty tissues for energy. In a normal state, a person's metabolism switches to this mode only in cases where the proportion of carbohydrates in the food consumed is low. This requires adherence to a certain diet and lifestyle. With the help of capsules, the body goes into ketosis without any prior preparation, ensuring rapid weight loss by reducing the percentage of adipose tissue in the body.


The optimal daily dose of the drug recommended by nutritionists in Switzerland is 2 tablets per day. Along with completing the course, it is advisable to lead an active lifestyle and eat foods that accelerate the process of ketosis. The drug guides contain additional information on the indications and uses of Keto Black.

Manufacturers and nutritionists don't allot a specific time for supplementation - you can take the pill both before and after a meal. Only dosages are prescribed: keep in mind that increasing intake of supplements will not help accelerate ketosis. Therefore, the best option is 2 standard tablets per day.

The standard course is specified for a period of 30 days. At this point, it will be necessary to forego other nutritional supplements. In some cases, the duration of the course increases or decreases depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.


Keto Black is not recommended for use by people under 18 years of age. To prevent possible side effects and clarify contraindications, you should consult a nutritionist before starting the course Keto Black is also contraindicated for people with allergies to coconut, corn, or corn. and butter. The composition of the food supplement, among other things, includes these three ingredients.


The main purpose of Keto Black is to lose weight comfortably without harsh diets and sudden changes in the body's food rhythms. The use of drugs can become a safer alternative to conventional weight loss measures. As practice shows, strict diets often lead to weakness and weight gain due to ingrained eating habits. Keto Black not only helps with weight loss, but also allows you to tailor your diet in an optimal direction. You naturally stop eating a lot, cravings for sweets decrease, and you don't want to eat a lot of starchy, fatty foods.

The drug comes in the form of a black capsule to be taken with a glass of water. It should be remembered that the course must be accompanied by careful monitoring of the composition of food consumed and an active lifestyle. . . Therefore, the drug is not a stand-alone tool for weight loss but rather a tool that helps to lose weight with a safer and faster keto diet. Due to the peculiarities of the capsule composition, entry into ketosis is possible without the risk of sudden interruptions and significant health risks. You can buy the drug without a prescription - the capsules belong to the food group of supplements and are distributed in the country without restrictions.

Reception during pregnancy and lactation

The drug has not been tested on pregnant women, so if you need to take it during pregnancy or breast-feeding, consult your doctor before you start taking the capsules.